Tuesday, January 19, 2010

SBI3U1 U5 Designer Babies

"Designer babies" is the term being used by the media to describe the future of modifying or selecting our children's genes for desirable characteristics (medical and cosmetic). A revolutionary technique called "pre-implantation process" is used to screen embryos for any genetic disease and only the disease free embryos are implanted into the mother's womb. This process can prove that we are going against what God truly wants for his children. I believe that going along with this process allows parents to make their child a "perfect child" is wrong. "Designer babies" is wrong, medical and personality wise.

A designer baby is a term used to describe a cloned embryo that has had it's genes chosen. Advances in genetics have given birth to this concept of "designer baby," wherein parents and doctors are able to genetically screen embryos for any genetic disorders. The technique is not limited to screening for genetic hereditary disorders, but is also for cosmetic reasons. The adoption of genetic engineering for cosmetic reasons; for genetic enhancement has spearheaded a lot of controversies. Current techniques of genetic modification introduce genes at random places in the genome. We should be concerned about the possibility that an inserted copy of NR2B (code for one type of glutamate receptor) may arrive in the target genome in a way that disrupts the function of another gene crucial of survival. Many of the traits that we may want to select are influenced by multiple genes. A gene affects intelligence only in combination with other genes. We are unlikely to find single genes whose modification would reliably produce a 20-point boost in IQ. For example, parents who are passionate about sports would have the athletic ability engineered into the child, however the child may not want the same. This reduces the child's freedom to choose. These techniques show parents that they can choose what they want for their children before they even have a say for themselves.

The National Director of Christian Voice, Stephen Green said, "The objection to the idea of designer babies is that it divorces procreation from the act of sexual congress, and there's a real sense in which it is playing God." Scientists and doctors have proven that allowing parents to have their "perfect child" won't allow them to build character. It won't allow them to become what God wants them to be. This may seem like parents are going against what God wants of the future children, freedom. God wants all of his children to be free, have a say in everything, especially for themselves. Children should develop their personality on their own, not on what their parents want. Parents shouldn't allow doctors and scientists to help them choose the genes they want for their children, they should accept their child no matter what.

I believe that the process of "designer babies" is wrong. It doesn't allow children to grow into what they are truly supposed to be. They can't develop their own personality's because their parents decided to choose their genes for them. In a way I believe that it may discriminate children who are or may develop a disability or sickness as they grow. This process allows other parents to see that children shouldn't have disabilities because they won't be accepted, but it shouldn't matter if a child is sick or not because we need to accept everyone. We shouldn't be leaving people out because they're "different," we should be letting everyone in to our lives. We need to allow everyone to live they're own life and be the way they want to be. Having children with disabilities allows parents to have a challenge in their life, and experience what it's like to have a challenged child. Many parent's still need to learn that their child will always be amazing because they are their child. Parent's should never give up their child just because they are not up to their expectations, but parent's shouldn't have expectations or limits for their child. I don't think designer babies it a good idea because it doesn't allow children to be what they want to be.

Designer babies is a term meaning that parent's get to choose what genes they want for their child. Technology is allowing parents to take advantage of what they want for their children. The process for designer babies doesn't allow children to make up their own personalities for themselves. I believe that this whole process is unnecessary because it doesn't allow children to grow in to they want to be. Designer babies is not for everyone.


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